If you play Fornite, you probably saw this message inviting you to enable 2FA, I hope you did!
Guess what… It will soon be time to enable 2FA for school!

To increase the safety of our IT system and to help protect against cyber-attacks, we have made the decision to implement Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for both staff and students. 2FA means that, in addition to a password, students will now be asked for a second type of authentication (either a number sent via text message or a number generated by the Microsoft Authenticator app). Your child will get asked for two factor authentication on any new device, but each device can be trusted for 90 days and, for that period, the device will not prompt for a new code again.

We recommend the use of the Microsoft Authenticator app as it provides better security than text messaging. The app is compatible with Android and iOS.

If your child does not have a phone or tablet of their own, then you can install the app on a parental device.

To help you prepare we recommend you download the Microsoft Authenticator App to be ready for the configuration. Students will be notified before we enable the option. We will also communicate the change on social media.
It is expected that by September, all students will have Two Factor Authentication enabled.

Video on how to setup Microsoft Authenticator:

iOS download:

Android download: