I am pleased to announce that the HR portal designed by Jack Hodgkins has been launched today!

If you missed the email of Catriona (HR), here it is!

Hi All,

You may have noticed that we now have an HR Portal!  From Monday (26th June) we are going to move away from the paper forms we currently use for requesting absence and start using these new electronic forms.  All you need to do is complete the form (in the HR portal) and this will automatically be sent to your Line Manager and the Headteacher for authorisation.  Once the absence request has been authorised/not authorised I will update you via email.

The forms we are replacing with this service are:

  • Personal Leave of Absence
  • Holiday Request Form
  • Self-Certificate form
  • Additional Hours Request form (Please use this form to request TOIL/additional pay following overtime)
  • Additional Days Request form

Please let me know if you have any questions.
